Monday, February 21, 2011

ww's weigh-in: week 5

image from weheartit

on monday january 17th i started weight watcher's. i didnt sign up or anything, im just doing it on my own. im following the older program... not the one that just came out. i have one of those little hand held calculators that tells you how many points something is and i bought a ww cookbook with over 500 recipes in it for dinner. to save us from spending a butt load and me having to cook every night, we eat the leftovers the next night instead of for lunch. i normally either eat a turkey sandwich or a frozen "smart ones" meal for lunch. it has the points right on the front! sooo easy! its a pretty easy program to follow. i really like it! i like that i can still eat "bad" food, just in small portions. and of course not too often! here is my weigh-in record so far:

week 1: 3.4 lbs lost
week 2: .6 lb gain
week 3: 1.6 lb loss
week 4: 1 lb loss
week 5: 3.6 lb loss

total = 9 lb loss

i really really wanted to lose 10 lbs by my 4th weigh in, so im pretty disappointed that im STILL not there. but thats also because i have been eating all my extra points every week (you get 32 extra points every week to use as you wish) and havent been pushing myself as much as i could at the gym. and i have nooo idea how i lost 3.6 this past week! i had a ton of mexican food & margaritas and a couple pieces of pizza this week. so if i can do all that and have that big of a loss, theres no reason to get discouraged! me and mike are going to nashville on march 23-26 to celebrate our 6 yr anniversary. i would LOVE to get to 15 lb loss by then. that leaves me 4 weeks. I.CAN.DO.THIS. im going to cut out all alcohol until then and really try not to use those damn extra points! im going to do a weight-in post every monday so y'all can follow along with me. wish me luck :)



  1. YOU CAN do this! Congrats on your loss! Hang in there, its not easier, but the results are rewarding!

  2. You're doing great! I'd LOVE a 3.6 lb loss. My next weigh in is tomorrow, and I may have a slight loss (not even enough to cover what I gained the last two weeks), but certainly no 3.6 lbs! That's awesome!!!

    What are some of the recipes you've made that you like?

  3. Thanks y'all :)

    Shawna, good luck on your weigh in tomorrow! Think positive! I've done oven "fried" chicken & catfish which came out really good! We did chicken fajitas last night. Thai coconut curry shrimp over jasmine rice, that one is on I think those have been the best so far.
